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This exclusive hotel reception area is treated with sienna ‘faux marble’ and soft salmon ‘colourwashes’ which compliment the neo classical interior giving this a timeless elegance that would be hard to achieve with flat colours.
The abstract nature of this colourwash gives a warm yet contemporary feel to this stylish penthouse apartment. See how the multicoloured, multilayered nature of this finish relates to the colour and texture of objects such as furniture and paintings.
On this wall there are at least 3 - 4 translucent layers which gives a depth flat paint or paper cannot achieve.
See how the multicoloured, multilayered nature of this finish relates to the colour and texture of objects such as furniture and paintings.
Simple but effective, colourwashes appeal is their naturalness, they lend a soft ethereal quality which if done subtly compliments a tradition setting.
A dusty quality can be achieved with the ‘colourwash’ using paler colours over deep tones. These finishes have a softening effect, where they compliment period dwellings or where the architecture is to harsh.
This traditional looking dining room has been treated with strips, but unlike wallpapers these strips, even though ostensible "formal", have a more casual feel due to the loose hand painted look
This Victorian ‘ Villa’ style house unfortunately suffers from a dark hallway, because‘ Colourwashes’ are translucent it allows for rich colours to be uses where there is a lack of light. So one isn’t forced into a pale palette
The richness achieved in this room is due to the "translucency" of the paint glaze, which allows the light to travel through the paint layers and reflect back the richness of the pigments, unavailable with flat paint of printed wall papers.
The walls in this living room are treated with a visually textured finish, which give a sumptuous strong feel and the large pattern achieved is reminiscent of a William Morris wallpaper.
This most unusually designed room has no less the 22 wall planes! Not an easy room to design for to photograph for that matter
The wall finish uses subtle colourwashes which are applied in layers, the rich 'washes' are applied over a yellowy cream throughout which give unity and warmth
Having fun with a variety of colours extenuates the interesting wall layout
Here the multi layer quality of this colourwash is very clear with plenty of movement and contasts
Walls treated with various shades of Mauve
Ties in nicely with curtains and bed cover in this teenagers bedroom